Today was the start of "Dynamic Crust as we look at the relationships between volcanoes, earthquakes, plate boundaries and age of oceanic rocks.
We also saw videos on another destructive affect of crustal movement as we watch a few tsunami videos. Check here for more info and videos on these daunting waves.
I've been doing some research on alternate energy sources and i found that nuclear energy combined with all the renewable resources, like solar, wind, geothermal,and hydroelectric is the best substitute for fossil fuels,they're also cleaner sources. Splitting an atoms nucleus releases 10 million times the energy you get from burning a fossil fuel atom. The US hasn't built a nuclear reactor since 1978 because of public opinion , Chernobyl in the Ukraine was the only recorded accident due to poor reactor design,it hasn't happened since, however one time is too many. If we are to construct more reactors there can't be any problems or it will hurt the environment more than helping it. Nuclear fuel is inexpensive, waste is compact, unlike carbon dioxide, and it is easy to transport. Nuclear energy does not release any green house gases either. I'm just listing many of the advantages,I'm sure theres more disadvantages, but this has convinced me that nuclear energy is the future energy source. I still need to do more research
Looks like a great topic Sam.
I am currently researching our natural water supply. We are not guaranteed an infinit amount, so are their solutions? Pollution is one of the reasons our supply is so limited.Where is their major water pollution? Clean water is important to our healthy lives, and prevents simple preventable diseases from happening.Water is our FUTURE. This is a small over look on some of my ideas and research.
-Shelby W.
I agree with you Shelby that water resources are important to our future. I think this will be a great topic to investigate and share with your classmates.
I've been researching turning oceans into tap water.I've found out that only 3 percent of the earth's water is fresh, and more than two-thirds of that is bound up in glaciers and ice caps. Which leaves less than 1 percent of the planet's water available for drink,washing and so on. I was wondering if this was suitable for this project before i continued researching?
Marissa, I think that is an awesome topic! We are lucky in Central New York to have an abundance of water but there may be a time when it becomes a very limited resource. Good luck in your research I look forward to what you find out.
Mr. Weich I have decided to break apart from sam because i feel that by staying partners with him that I can not show how much i cactually do know about this subject, and will be seen as not working har enough etc... I have decided to do my project on the problem that green house affect has on our earth(if it isnt already taken).I have done some research on this I have found that this is a topic worth working on and learning about. I still have lots of reasearch to do. Just making sure my topic is ok and isnt taken before i go forawrd with more research *Isiah*
Mr. Wiech-It is awesome to see how some of the life-long learners I had the privilege to teach last year are progressing. Mr. Filzen
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